Unopened Envelope


I shall be empty
For that smile I wear..
when it all rushes back
where solitude hugs and caresses me to sleep

I shall be concealed
for all the tears I've shed..
with the emphatic laughter..
where I still wish U were there..

I shall be strong..
for I'm pretending to be..
when they say this won't kill me..
where mind and heart tug a war..

I shall be praying..
For U to turn back..
when they think I let U go..
where I relentlessly search for lost Me..

I shall be missing..
for I'm chained with misery..
when they think I'm set free..
where my thoughts constantly grumble..

I shall need U..
for U are my journey of smiles..
when they think I'm over U..
where I still relive those moments..

I shall love U..
For I muster all my courage to accept it..
when I'm no good in expressing them out..
where I can only write them down..


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